Cryptocurrency Fund

Cryptocurrency fund is the main service of our company which offers its clients professional cryptocurrency investment management with a diversified portfolio and strategies focused on long-term growth.

Experienced Team

We have been operating in the field of cryptocurrencies since 2017. We also have experience in other markets such as forex, futures, stocks, options, and commodities.

Excellent Returns

We achieve above-average appreciation compared to traditional markets and instruments such as stocks or commodities.

Diversified Portfolio

We diversify. We achieve above-average profits, but keep the risk at a reasonable level thanks to the diversification of the portfolio.

Robust Investment Strategy

We use proven methods and strategies based on sophisticated models used by the best traders in the industry.

Potential vs. Risk

We emphasize greater potential than risk. We apply very strict risk and money management rules to protect capital.

Efective Timing

We effectively time purchases and sales, based on market structure, value areas and market cyclicality. We execute purchases and sales with surgical precision.

Cryptocurrency Fund Investment Process

1. Fulfillment of entry conditions

The minimum investment amount is set at 200 000 EUR or 225 000 USD.

2. Online or personal meeting

After filling out the contact form, we will plan a meeting together and discuss the details of the fund's operation and contractual terms.

3. Signing the contract

If there is a mutual agreement, then we will sign the contract together. This can be done both in person and remotely.

4. Investment of deposited funds

After signing the contract and transferring the money, we invest your funds according to our investment strategy with the aim of maximizing profits.

5. Regular reporting

We regularly inform you about the steps we take and how your investment is doing,  concisely and clearly.

6. Payment of profits

You can request the payment of your profits at any time. Together with the payment of your profits, we will send you the documents for filing a tax return

Crypto Fund Results

We have started providing Crypto Management via our fund in 2023. The goal of our fund is to achieve the highest possible returns while maintaining a carefully managed level of risk. Our strategy is designed to consistently outperform the S&P 500 index over the long term, providing our clients with a competitive edge in the crypto market.

Crypto Fund Contact Form

If you're interested in investing in our Cryptocurrency Fund or have any questions, feel free to reach out via the form below or email us at